As part of the examination and monitoring of the issues inherent in the acceleration of technological disruptions, the Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (IRES) took part in the World Congress of Digital Technologies "MWC 2023", organized in Barcelona from February 27 to March 2, 2023.

The IRES delegation notably visited the Huawei Technologies Pavilion, during which it learned about the new generation of digital infrastructures "Gigaverse" as well as the use cases of these technologies in key areas such as education, health, agriculture, industry, mobility and finance.

At the end of this visit, the Director General of IRES, Mr. Mohammed Tawfik MOULINE, held a working meeting with the Vice President of Huawei Technologies, in charge of the Government Affairs Department, Mr. Frank XIANG and the Executive Vice President of Huawei-North Africa, Mr. Philippe WANG.

The discussions focused on topics related to digital transformation, digital sovereignty and the decarbonization of the digital economy.

The discussions also focused on the opportunity to establish a partnership between Morocco and China in the digital sector, as well as on the prospects for strengthening cooperation between, on the one hand, IRES and, on the other hand, Chinese Think Tanks and Huawei Technologies, with a view to deepening strategic dialogue and forward-looking thinking on the rapid evolution of information and communication technologies.