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  • Colloquium X-Morocco: “Research & Development as a lever for growth” (Intervention Of IRES General Director)

The Director General of IRES, Mr. Mohammed Tawfik MOULINE took part, at the opening session, in the works of the 8th edition of the Colloquium organized on January 15, 2019 by the X-Maroc Group on the theme "Research & Development as a lever of growth ".

After a presentation of the context and trends marking the global system of Research & Development (R & D), Mr. Mouline highlighted the keys to success characterizing the most successful foreign experiences, presented the achievements and shortcomings of the national system R & D and highlighted the international positioning of the Kingdom as indicators inherent to R & D and innovation. He showed that R & D is a necessity to improve the global productivity of factors, to increase the complexity of the national economy and to strengthen the integration of Moroccan enterprises, especially SMEs, in the global value chains. Finally, Mr. Mouline made proposals that would put R & D at the service of wealth creation in an inclusive way
