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IRES Conference at the Norwegian Institute of International Relations

IRES Director General, Mr. Mohammed Tawfik MOULINE, facilitated, April 21, 2016 at the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) in Oslo, a conference that highlighted the major reforms undertaken by Morocco on the political, institutional, economic, social and environmental levels as well as the foundations of the Kingdom’s foreign policy.

Attended by European and African Ambassadors accredited in Oslo, representatives of the Norwegian civil society and academic experts, the conference focused on the contribution of the 2011 Constitution in terms of accelerating Morocco’s democratic transition, anchoring to human rights and implementing a development model based on the advanced regionalization. This model, which will benefit primarily to the southern provinces, devoted the Kingdom’s developments efforts deployed in the Sahara for more than 40 years, to make it an area of peace, stability and shared prosperity profiting even to the sub-Saharan neighbors ;

Other important aspects were discussed including the levers to enhance further Morocco's relations with the European Union in their bilateral and Mediterranean dimension, the reality and prospects of the strategic positioning of Morocco in Africa as well as the potential of development of relations with Scandinavian countries, with which the Kingdom could build the foundation for a promising cooperation at several levels. To this end, a study has been launched recently by IRES, in partnership with NUPI and the Swedish Institute of International Relations.
