The reputation of Morocco in the world in 2022
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- The reputation of Morocco in the world in 2022

The Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (IRES) organized, on June 30, 2022, a seminar devoted to the presentation and discussion of the main results of the eighth edition of the survey on the reputation of Morocco in the world, conducted by IRES, as part of the work of its observatory on the image of Morocco internationally, in partnership with "Reputation Lab", world leader in the field of "Nation Branding".
The meeting was attended by representatives of the public sector, the private sector, diplomats and communication experts.
The 2022 edition of the survey was marked by the refinement of the methodology for measuring the reputation as well as the increase in the sample size in each country in which the reputation of Morocco is assessed. It focused on the analysis of the Kingdom's reputation in the G-7 countries + Russia as well as in 18 developed and/or emerging countries.
As a reminder, the study on the reputation of Morocco in the world aims to identify the strengths and weaknesses of Morocco's external and internal image and identify strategic options to enhance this image and make it a lever for improving the country's global competitiveness and attractiveness.
Overall, the Kingdom continues to enjoy a positive international image. It is still among the top 30 nations with the best reputation among G-7 countries + Russia.