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  • Food and health security amidst climate change : assessment for an adaptation strategy in the context of integrated governance

Within the framework of its study program "Climate Change Impacts on Morocco and global options for adaptation," IRES organized April 15, 2013 a seminar devoted to the presentation of the main conclusions of the third phase of the study undertaken by the Institute on the theme "food and health security amidst climate change : assessment for an adaptation strategy in the context of integrated governance" which was attended by senior officials from relevant departments and academic experts of issues related to the governance of climate change.

During this seminar, the emphasis was made on key vulnerabilities in the area of food and health system in Morocco correlated to climate change and on the analysis of the necessary reforms to promote better synergy between the governance system of climate change and food and health security in Morocco. Other relevant aspects have been also highlighted. These include, among others, the importance of strengthening policy coherence and the urge for inclusive approaches to mobilize national actors around common objectives in order to promote collective ownership of issues related to food and health security.