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Visit of a Student Group from the ” National High School of Administration ” (ENSA) at IRES

Visit of Mr Amin SAIKAL, Professor of Political Science at the Australian National University and Director of the Centre for Arab and Islamic Studies at the College of Arts and Social Sciences

Visit of the Ambassador of Korea to Morocco

Visit of the President of « Instituto para a Promonçao e Desenvolvimento de America Latina »

The second edition of International Panel of Futurists

The 4th edition of the conference “Coalition of Knowledge Storm”

The strategic partnership between Morocco and the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council: challenges and orientations of foreign policy

Challenges and opportunities of rural development in sub-Saharan Afric

Visit of a high-level Chinese delegation to IRES

Visit to IRES of a high-level Canadian delegation

What prospects for strengthening Morocco-Brazil relations ?

La renaissance de la Route de la soie : l’incroyable défi chinois du XXIème siècle