Morocco’s Reputation in the World in 2020 : Executive Summary
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Morocco’s Reputation in the World in 2020 : Executive Summary
Within the framework of the Observatory of Morocco’s image, set up in 2015, the Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (IRES) has carried out, in partnership with the international firm "The Reptrak Company", a world leader in the field of "nation branding", the sixth edition of the survey on Morocco’s reputation in the world. This investigation was carried out on a sample of 24 countries. It includes the countries of the former G-8 (G-7+Russia), which represent buoyant markets for Morocco’s exportable offer and potential outbound markets of tourist flows and direct investments towards the Kingdom, as well as 16 developed and/or emerging countries, from the main regions in the world, which constitute a priority of Morocco’s international positioning strategy. The 2020 edition – the COVID-19 year – was marked by a very significant improvement in the Kingdom’s external reputation, which had shown a stable trend over the 2017-2019 period. This allowed Morocco’s external reputation to rise in 2020 to a level above the average of the 72 countries evaluated by "The Reptrak Company". In fact, in 2020, Morocco scored 64.2 points on a scale of 0 to 100 in the general "Country RepTrak® Pulse" indicator, recording a 5.4 point improvement compared to 2019. This level of external perception, the highest since the launch in 2015 of the survey on Morocco’s reputation in the world, has enabled Morocco to join the top 30 nations with the best reputation among G-7 countries + Russia. By occupying the 27th position among the 72 countries evaluated, Morocco has gained 8 places compared to its positioning in 2019. Compared to the 55 countries with the highest GDP, the Kingdom ranked 26th in terms of reputation among G-7 countries + Russia in 2020, up 6 places from its ranking in 2019.