Terms | Definition |
Abyss | Region that constitutes the floor of the world’s oceans, with a depth of between 3,000 meters and 6,000 meters. Source: Dictionnaire encyclopédique de l’écologie et des sciences de l’environnement, 2ème édition DUNOD, 2002, p.2. |
Blue acceleration | The expanding drive of capital to industrialize the oceans and the seabed. Economic activity in the oceans is expanding rapidly and significant investments…drive the growth of existing industries as well as the emergence of new ones, covering an increasingly diverse range of activities. The Blue Acceleration ushers in a ‘’new phase in humanity’s relationship with the biosphere, where the ocean is not only critical to sustaining global development trajectories, but is fundamentally altered in the process.’’ Source : “The Blue Acceleration : The Trajectory of Human Expansion into the Ocean,” One Earth, vol. 2/1, January 24, 2020 : https://doi. org/10.1016/j.oneear.2019.12.016 |
Biosaline agriculture | The production and growth of plants in groundwater and or/soil rich in salt. Source: FAO, 2020, Biosaline agriculure : browse/agrovoc/fr/page/c_6b250bf9?clang=en |
Marine Protected Areas | ‘’A protected area is a clearly defined geographical space, recognized, dedicated and managed by any effective means, legal or otherwise, to ensure the long-term conservation of nature and its associated ecosystem services and cultural values. Source: Geoconfluences. Glossaire, Aires marines protégées, 2021 : |
Anthropocene | Term proposed in 2000 by Josef Crutzen and Eugene Stormer to characterize the current geological epoch, which is marked by the major and growing impact of human activities on the earth and the atmosphere, at all levels, including the global one. The two researchers proposed the end of the 18th century as the starting date of this new era, a period that coincides with the first observations of the effect of human activities on the environment, in connection with the beginning of the industrial revolution. Source: CRUTZEN, Josef; STOERMER, Eugene. The “Anthropocene”, Global Change Newsletter n° 41, 2000, pp. 17–18. |
Aquaculture | ‘’Aquaculture is the set of activities of plant cultivation and animal rearing in continental or marine water with a view to improving production, involving individual or legal ownership of the stock being farmed. It includes fish farming (breeding of fish), shellfish farming (breeding of marine shellfish: oysters, mussels, clams, etc.), seaweed farming (cultivation of seaweed) and carcinoculture (breeding of crustaceans, mainly shrimp and crayfish). Source : National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies. Aquaculture definition : definition/c1534 |
Aquapreneur | This concept refers to all entrepreneurs in waterrelated sectors. Source: The water network : aquapreneurs/ |
Atmosphere | The outermost layer of the Earth, gaseous in nature and therefore constituting the outermost part of the ecosphere. Source : Dictionnaire encyclopédique de l’écologie et des sciences de l’environnement, 2ème édition DUNOD, 2002, p.52. |
Other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) | These reflect a new conservation approach, distinct from protected areas, where conservation is achieved primarily as a by-product of another form of management. A definition was agreed upon at the 14th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in 2018. It is ‘’a geographically defined area other than a protected area, which is governed and managed so as to achieve long-term positive and sustainable outcomes for in situ biodiversity conservation, with associated ecosystem functions and services and, where appropriate, cultural, spiritual, social – economic and other locally relevant value.’’ Source : The Biodiversity Information System For Europe :https:// |
Common good or the commons | Refers to forms of collective use and management of a resource or thing by a community. This notion allows us to move away from the binary alternative between public and private, by focusing more on equal access and the regime of sharing and decision making rather than on ownership. The areas in which the commons can find applications include access to resources, but also to housing and knowledge. The commons are resources that are collectively generated by a community according to a self-defined form of governance. Source : Royal Institute for Strategic Studies, Strategic report 2019- 2020 : Towards a new development model ; Académie De Versailles; Centre des ressources en économie gestion, La gouvernance des ‘’ Biens communs ‘’ au service du ‹› Bien commun ‹› : https://creg. |
Biodiversity | All natural environments and life forms (plants,animals, fungi, bacteria, etc.) and their interactions. Source : Encyclopedia of the environement, what is biodiversity? : |
Bioluminescence | It is the production and emission of light by a living organism. This light comes from a chemical reaction of the organism, which transforms chemical energy into light energy. This phenomenon is observed in particular with marine organisms. Source : Les horizons : Média d’intelligence écologique bioluminescence%2C%20c’est%20la, notamment%20 aupr%C3%A8s%20des%20organismes%20marins |
Biomass | This is the mass or weight of a set of living organisms. The biomass of breeders is calculated by multiplying the number of individuals of reproductive age by their weight. Source : IFREMER. Glossaire, Biomasse : Glossaire/Glossaire/Biomasse |
Biomimicry | The biomimetic approach offers answers inspired by nature. It is therefore about imitating the living, its forms, its materials, its structures or its rules of operation to draw ingenious solutions. Source : CNRS Le Journal : |
Biosphere | Refers to the complex system that constitutes the association on the surface of the planet Earth of environments with unique physico-chemical characteristics: ocean, atmosphere, upper layers of the lithosphere, with which all living beings are associated. The biosphere is therefore defined as the region of the planet in which life is permanently possible and which contains all living beings. Source : Dictionnaire encyclopédique de l’écologie et des sciences de l’environnement, 2ème édition DUNOD, 2002, p.95. |
Blue biotechnologies | Blue biotechnologies are defined as science and technology application to the transformation of marine resources by biotechnology processes and this for applications in the areas of health, cosmetics, agri-food, aquaculture, environment, … Source : GUEZENNEC, Jean et all. Les biotechnologies bleues : l’insoupçonnable potentiel de l’invisible, in IFREMER, TAIKONA magazine de la mer, 22 p : doc/00414/52540/53353.pdf |
Blue Acceleration | ’A race between diverse and often competing interests for ocean food, materials and space’’. Source: JOUFFRAY, Jean-Baptiste et all. The Blue Acceleration: The Trajectory of Human Expansion into the Ocean Crossref, Perspective volume 2, issue 1, p43-54, 2020, doi link: https://doi. org/10.1016/J.ONEEAR.2019.12.016 ; one-earth/fulltext/S2590-3322(19)30275-1 |
Blue-washing | A term used to describe deceptive marketing that exaggerates a company’s commitment to responsible social practices.Source : FRIEDERIKE, Vinzenz et all. Marketing sustainable tourism: the role of value orientation, well-being and credibility, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, August 2019: .1080/09669582.2019.1650750 |
Bottom-up | The bottom-up (or sometimes horizontal) approach is when innovations and ideas emanate from the bottom up to be transmitted to other components of the entity under consideration, with the top only playing the role of a transmission belt between the parties, or registry room. Source: Geoconfluences. Glossaire, ‘’ Top down ‹› et ‘’ bottom up‘’, 2020 : |
Blue carbon | Represents the carbon stored by living organisms in marine and coastal ecosystems (mangroves, salt marshes, seagrass beds) and stored in biomass and sediments. Source : IPCC, 2018: Annex I: Glossary [Matthews, J.B.R. (ed.)]. In: Global Warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report, 543p. doi:10.1017/9781009157940.008. : assets/uploads/sites/2/2022/06/SR15_AnnexI.pdf |
Climate change | A variation in the state of the climate observable (by statistical tests, …) by changes in the mean and/or variability of properties that persists over an extended period of time, typically decades or longer. Climate change may be due to natural internal processes or external forcings, including modulations of solar cycles, volcanic eruptions, or persistent anthropogenic changes in atmospheric composition or land use. In the first article of the UNFCCC, climate change is defined as ‘’changes in climate which are attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which are in addition tonatural climate variability observed over comparable time periods. The Convention thereby distinguishes between climate change attributable to human activities that alter the composition of the atmosphere and climate variability attributable to natural causes. Source : IPCC, 2018: Annex I: Glossary [Matthews, J.B.R. (ed.)]. In: Global Warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report, 544p. doi:10.1017/9781009157940.008. uploads/sites/2/2022/06/SR15_AnnexI.p |
Choke point | Designates a strategic passage in transportation. Key passages for maritime transport are narrow, shallow bottlenecks, the Achilles heel of the globalized economy. They are straits or channels that entail a limit to ship capacity. Source : Geoconfluences. Glossaire, Choke point, 2021 : http:// |
Thermohaline circulation or deep ocean circulation | The oceans constantly flow with great currents. This permanent circulation is the ‘’thermohaline circulation’’. In Greek, ‘’thermos’’ means temperature and ‘’halos’’ means salt. These currents are generated and maintained either by differences in temperature or by differences in salinity. Source : Geoconfluences. Glossaire, Choke point, 2021 : |
Clathrates | Nanoporous organic crystals in which water molecules form cages that can encapsulate a large number of molecularspecies, the topology of the aqueous cages depends on the nature of the guest molecules. Source : G. A. Jeffrey, in Comprehensive Supramolecular Chemistry,Hydrate Inclusion Compounds, edited by J. L. Atwood, J. E. D. Davies, D. D. Mac-Nicol, and F. Vögtle (Pergamon, Oxford) Vol. 6, p. 757 (1996). |
Coccolithophore | ‘’Emiliania huxleyi’’: single-celled calcifying marine algae that play an important role in the oceanic carbon cycle via their cellular processes of photosynthesis (a CO2 sink) and calcification (a CO2 source). In contrast to well-studied and satellite-visible surface coccolithophore blooms, the lower photic zone is a poorly understood but potentially important ecological niche for coccolithophores in terms of primary production and carbon transfer to the deep ocean. Source : Laura Perrin, Ian Probert, Gerald Langer, Giovanni Aloisi. Growth of the coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi in light- and nutrientlimited batch reactors: relevance for the BIOSOPE deep ecological niche of coccolithophores. Biogeosciences, European Geosciences Union, 2016, 13 (21), pp.5983-6001. 10.5194/bg-13-5983-2016. |
Water column | ‘’The water column is a concept used in oceanography to describe the physical (temperature, salinity, light penetration) and chemical (pH, dissolved oxygen content, nutrient salts, trace metals…) characteristics of seawater at different depths for a given geographical point. This water column extends from the surface to the bottom of the oceans and can be up to 11 km deep (the Mariana Trench in the Pacific). Source: Source : CNRS. IFREMER. Geo Ocean. What is the water column? |
Concertation | Refers to a mode of administration or governance in which citizens are consulted in order to debate and enrich a project. It includes a dimension of continuity and follow-up in the development of the project. It makes contradictory exchanges possible and promotes inclusive participation. Source : REVUE URBAINE. L’analyse préalable : A quoi sert la concertation ? : uploads/2016/10/Guide-concertation_Lille_complet.pdf |
Containerization | The principle of transporting various goods in standardized containers to facilitate transport and handling. Large ports and multimodal platforms have adapted to the standards imposed by containerization: handling systems, adequate storage areas, etc. Source : GEOCONFLUENCES. Glossaire. Conteneur, conteneurisation, Novembre 2020 : conteneur-conteneurisation |
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) or the Washington Convention | International agreement between States, adopted on March 3, 1973 in Washington. ‘’ It aims to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten the survival of the species to which they belong ‘’. Source : the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. |
Mixing layer (of surface waters) | The mixing layer (or mixed layer) is the surface part of the ocean that is stirred by the atmosphere. In the mixed layer, the physical properties of seawater (density, temperature and salinity) remain constant. Source : IFREMER. Glossaire, milieu_physique, couche de mélange : |
Antarctic Circumpolar Current | The Antarctic Circumpolar Current is a major ocean current known as the Southern Ocean. It is the only current that circles the Earth and connects the major oceans of our planet.Source : CENTRE NATIONAL D’ETUDES SPATIALES(CNES). Le courant circumpolaire antarctique COURANT: fr.html. |
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Current (AMOC) | Broad-based ocean circulation that brings warm, salty water into the high latitudes of the North Atlantic, where it cools, releases heat to the atmosphere, and eventually sinks to the deep ocean after a series of complex oceanographic processes. Its impact on climate and biogeochemistry is equally global and complex, particularly due to large-scale atmospheric teleconnection patterns. Source : Swingedouw D, Houssais M-N, Herbaut C, Blaizot A-C, Devilliers M and Deshayes J (2022) AMOC Recent and Future Trends: A Crucial Role for Oceanic Resolution and Greenland Melting? Front. Clim. 4:838310. doi: 10.3389/fclim.2022.838310. |
Population growth | Refers to the growth of a population over time. Source : François. Dictionnaire encyclopédique de l’écologie et des sciences de l’environnement, 2ème édition DUNOD, 2002, pp184- 185. |
Cryosphere | Region of the ecosphere that consists of polar ice caps and glaciers. Source : RAMADE, François. Dictionnaire encyclopédique de l’écologie et des sciences de l’environnement, 2ème édition DUNOD, 2002, p.186. |
Ocean Decade 2021-2030 | ‘’The United Nations proclaimed the United Nations Decade of Ocean Sciences for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). The initiative aims to mobilize the scientific community, policy makers, industry and civil society around a common agenda of research and technological innovation. The proclamation of the Decade is the culmination of efforts by UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission to foster international cooperation in ocean sciences. Source : UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) |
Ocean deoxygenation | Refers to a loss of oxygen in the oceans, which is largely attributed to two main causes: eutrophication due to nutrient runoff from continental areas and nitrogen deposition from fossil fuel use, and warming of ocean waters due to climate change. Source : Union Internationale pour La Conservation de La Nature (UINCN). Ocean deoxygenation: everyone’s problem…summary for policy makers, 2019, 28 p : library/files/documents/2019-048-Fr-Summ.pdf |
Digitalization | Digitalization refers to the use of digital technologies and data, as well as interconnections that give rise to the birth of new activities or the evolution of existing ones. Source : OCDE.Going Digital: Shaping Policies, Improving Lives, Éditions OCDE, 2019, 168 p : |
E-bomb | Is short for ‘’electromagnetic bomb’’ a new generation electromagnetic weapon that was invented in the 1950s. The definition is very broad, but essentially covers all bombs designed to damage targets with a very intense pulse of electromagnetic energy. The main distinction lies in the wavelength of the energy produced by the weapon. This bomb belongs to the so-called direct-energy weapon category – more precisely, to the ‘’high power microwaves weapon’’ (HPM) family. These weapons are capable of producing an electromagnetic pulse (EMI) without a nuclear explosion. Source : Kopp, Carlo, in, 2003. |
White Economy | ‘’The concept of a white economy is the economy created by young entrepreneurs of startups and digital businesses. Douglas McWilliams, in his book ‘’The Flat White Economy,’’ uses the term white economy to refer to a new concept that is emerging that is focused on the digital world, where startups, small businesses and technology are gaining traction.’’ Source : MCWILLIAMS, Douglas. The Flat White Economy : How The Digital Economy is Transforming London and Other Cities of the Future, Overlook Press, 2016, 256 p |
Brown economy | Economy based on fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas).This is the economic model implemented and promoted by affluent countries. Impacts of this type of economy are pollution, waste, depletion of non-renewable resources and destruction of the environment. Source : United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). |
Circular economy | Involves producing goods and services in a sustainable manner by limiting the consumption and waste of resources and the production of waste. This model is based on the creation of positive value cycles with each use or reuse of a material or product before final destruction. Source : National Institute of Circular Economy: |
Economy of the sea | ‘’The economy of the sea refers, as its name indicates, to sectors of activity related to the sea (maritime transport, fishing, offshore wind, marine biotechnology) but also refers to natural assets and ecosystem services from the sea (fisheries resources, shipping lanes, CO2 absorption, among others). Source : : The online library of the organization for economic cooperation and development (oecd). the ocean economy in 2030 : html?itemId=/content/component/8d846fcd-fr. |
Predatory economy | Is a developmental stage of a society’s culture, reached when group members adopt a predatory (i.e., rapacious) attitude as a permanent and orthodox spiritual attitude; when struggle has become the dominant feature of a prevailing theory of life; and when common sense comes to judge people and things with a view to combat. The evolution is gradual, since the passage from a peaceful state to predation depends on the development of technical knowledge and use of tools. Source : Galbraith, J. (2006). La prédation économique moderne : guerre, fraude d›entreprise et cruelle chimère des réformes du marché du travail. A contrario, 4, 90-98. aco.041.98; Thorstein Veblen, Théorie de la classe de loisir, Paris : Gallimard, 1970 (1re éd. américaine : The Theory of the Leisure Class, New York : Macmillan, 1899). |
Red economy | The red economy is, according to Gunter PAULI, characterized by waste, indebtedness and unemployment of some for the enrichment of others. This economy ‘’borrows from everyone and everything, from nature, from humanity, without thinking of repaying one day’’. Source : PAULI, Gunter. L’économie bleue 3.0, Édition revue et Augmentée, L’OBSERVATOIRE, 2019, 496 p. |
Green economy | According to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the green economy is an economy that leads to improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and resource scarcity. Source : United Nations Environment Programme UNEP, PAULI, Gunter L’économie bleue 3.0, Édition revue et Augmentée, L’OBSERVATOIRE, 2019, 496 p. |
Ecotone | Buffer zone enabling the description of complex (and often moving) ecological functions in space and time (or ecological transition zone between two ecosystems). Source : GARON, David ; GUEGUEN, Jean-Christophe ; RIOULT, JeanPhilippe. Biodiversité et évolution du monde vivant, EDP Sciences, 2013, p. 70 ; Gilles Clément, Manifeste du tiers paysage. Petit livre traitant surtout des écotones comme systèmes écologiques et aussi paysages. |
Harmful Algal Blooms | Certain types of phytoplankton produce strong toxins or poisons. When their numbers increase, this is referred to as a ‘’harmful algal bloom’’. Source : The Pacific Community (SPC) ; LMMA Network, Efflorescences d’algues nuisibles ,Fiche d’information pour les communautés de pêcheurs ≠ 28, 2 p : https:// files/16/16dd62a332cb974770b0496d4861bd3f. pdf?sv=2015-12-11&sr=b&sig=XwbkdiICOevGC7Cqn PpH7qoOeVmpDkbSnkCmIJPvfS0%3D&se=2023-03- 21T12%3A14%3A15Z&sp=r&rscc=public%2C%20 max-age%3D864000%2C%20maxstale%3D86400&rsct=application%2Fpdf&rscd=inline%3B%20 filename%3D%22Anon_13_ISFC_28_Harmful_algae_VF.pdf%22 |
Existential stakes or risks: | ’Risks that could lead to the extinction of humanity or the collapse of civilization. This reflects the realization that mankind’s capacity to cause its own extinction is now effective. Source : Royal Institute for Strategic Studies, Strategic report 2021 : Towards a new post-COVID-19 World ? . publications-english/general-reports/7653-strategic-report-2021- towards-a-new-post-covid-19-world.html |
Invasive species or invasive alien species (IAS) | These are species introduced (voluntarily or accidentally) by humans into a new territory outside their natural range, whose establishment and spread threaten ecosystems, habitats or native species with negative consequences on ecological and/or socio-economic and/or health services. Source : COMITÉ FRANÇAIS DE L’UNION INTERNATIONALE POUR LA CONSERVATION DE LA NATURE, UICN France, Les espèces exotiques envahissantes sur les sites d’entreprises. Livret 1 : Connaissances et recommandations générales, Paris, France, 2015, 40 p : EEE_entreprises_L1.pdf |
Crowdfunding | Or participative financing, was developed in 2008 during the economic and financial crisis. Crowdfunding is a collaborative financing method that allows project leaders to find funding from savers (most often individuals) via Internet platforms. It relies on the dissemination of information and sponsorship through social networks. Source : HEMDANE Thameur, ‘’ Le crowdfunding, une innovation pour financer le développement du Maroc ‘’, Techniques Financières et Développement, 2016/3-4 (n° 124), p. 27-34. DOI : 10.3917/ tfd.124.0027. URL : |
Geoeconomics | At the intersection of economics and international relations, geoeconomics studies the relationship between power and space, outside of territorial borders. Source : LOROT, Pascal. ‘’ De la géopolitique à la géoéconomie ‘’, Géoéconomie, 2009/3 (n° 50), p. 9-19. DOI : 10.3917/geoec.050.0009. URL : |
Geomorphology | A branch of geography that studies landforms, particularly the role of erosion in landscape formation. Source : Geoconfluences. Glossaire, Géomorphologie, Avril 2021 : geomorphologie#:~:text=La%20g%C3%A9omorphologie%20 est%20une%20branche,dans%20la%20formation%20des%20 paysages |
Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) | This concept is fairly recent (1980-1990). Contrary to previous approaches that were based on specific sectors of the economy, ICZM is an approach to governance that integrates all sectors of activity that affect the coastal zone and its resources, and that simultaneously considers social, economic and environmental aspects. ICZM implies the creation of a new level of governance at the heart of which lies civil society participation. Source : VANDERLINDEN, Paul. La gestion intégrée de la zone côtière , in Université Virtuelle Environnement et Développement durable (UVED) : site/html/GIZC/GIZC.html |
Ocean gyre | An ocean gyre is a large system of circular ocean currents formed by global winds and forces created by the Earth’s rotation. There are three main types of ocean gyres: tropical, subtropical and subpolar. Source : NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. Ocean Gyre: https://education. |
Great Acceleration (of human activities) | Period from the 1950s onwards during which all socio-economic trends (demography, consumption, industrial production) accelerated significantly. Source : ANTROPOCENE : |
Hinterland | Land area linked to the port by major communication networks. The hinterland is the area of attraction and continental service of the port, in economic terms. It is also the continental market area. Source : GEOCONFLUENCES. Glossaire, Arrière-pays et avant-pays (hinterland, foreland), Mars 2021 :’arri%C3%A8re%2Dpays%20 (hinterland,son%20aire%20de%20march%C3%A9%20continentale |
Hypoxia | Hypoxia in marine waters – a lack of dissolved oxygen – is a growing problem that can have serious impacts on marine environments and ecosystems. Oxygen depletion in seawater is currently considered one of the likely consequences of global warming, as warmer water contains less oxygen. Hypoxia can occur naturally. It can also be exacerbated by human activity or caused directly by it. Source : Governement of Canada, Hypoxia: https://www.dfo-mpo. |
Shipbuilding industry | All activities involved in the design, construction, repair and maintenance of ships. Source : OBSERVATOIRE DE LA PARITAIRE DE LA METALLURGIE. Naval & Énergies Marines Renouvelables : https://www.’industrie%20navale%20 fran%C3%A7aise%20regroupe,et%20la%20maintenance%20 des%20navires. |
Artificial intelligence | Refers to the ability of a machine to reproduce human-related behaviors, such as reasoning, planning and creativity.. Source : European Parliament. Artificial intelligence: definition and use : society/20200827STO85804/intelligence-artificielle-definition-etutilisation |
Interface | Zone of contact between two differentiated spaces that generates exchange processes between them. Source : GEOCONFLUENCES. Glossaire. Interface : http:// |
Internet of Things | A network of objects with clear identifiers, equipped with intelligent software, fitted with sensors and constantly connected to the internet. It enables these objects to exchange information with the manufacturer, the operator or other objects connected to the internet. It makes physical objects detectable and allows them to be controlled remotely, via the Internet, thus enhancing the integration between IT systems and the physical world. The economic world as well as technical experts agree on the exponential increase in the number of objects connected to the Internet. Source : RAYES, Ammar ; SALAM, Samer. Internet of Things: From hype to reality – The road to digitization (2nde edition), Cham (Suisse), Springer, 2019, pp. 1-3. |
Intertidal | Tidal is an adjective designating that which is relative to the tide. Intertidal means that which is located between low and high tide, i.e. the band also called the foreshore. Source : GEOCONFLUENCES. Glossaire, Tidal, intertidal : http:// |
Overshoot Day | Calculated by the Global Footprint Network, this day marks the date by which humanity has consumed (ecological footprint) all the resources that the Earth can replenish in a single year (biocapacity). Source : World Wildlife Fund Canada: default/files/doc-2019-05/20190509_WWF-EU-Overshoot-DayLiving-Beyond-Nature-Limits_Report_WWF-min.pdf |
Blue Amazon | The concept of Blue Amazon was coined by Admiral Roberto de Guimaraes Carvalho in an article in 2004. The Blue Amazon (Amazônia Azul) is the Brazilian maritime space (Comissão Interministerial) that matches the surface of the Amazon forest (Amazônia Verde). The primary focus of this concept is the exploration and exploitation of natural resources as well as their legal and, if necessary, military protection. Source : Folha de Sao Paulo, fz2502200409.htm ; GOMES DO CRAVO BARROS Jorge ; BARROSPLATIAU Ana Flávia ; COSTA DE OLIVEIRA Carina et al. ‘’ ‘’ Amazonie bleue ‘’ et projection brésilienne sur l’avenir ‘’, Outre-Terre, 2015/1 (N° 42), p. 204-212. DOI : 10.3917/oute1.042.0204. URL : https:// |
Lithosphere | Surface region of the Earth’s crust, about 20 km thick, made up of hardened layers, except in areas of magma intrusion in the asthenosphere. Source : RAMADE, François. Dictionnaire encyclopédique de l’écologie et des sciences de l’environnement, 2ème édition DUNOD, 2002, p.463. |
Coastalization | ‘’Coastalization is a process of concentration of populations and human activities along or near the coastline. The contemporary attraction of occupied coastlines is at the origin of an increasing densification of developments and of competition or conflicts between activities and actors. These activities complement or exclude each other’’. Source : GEOCONFLUENCES. Glossaire, Littoralisation : processus,ou%20%C3%A0%20proximit%C3%A9%20des%20 littoraux. |
Seafarers | The term seafarers refers to persons employed, engaged or working in any capacity on board a ship. A distinction should be made between seafarers and non-seafarers. Salaried or non-salaried seafarers are seafarers engaged in an activity directly related to the operation of the vessel. While non seafarers represent personnel carrying out a professional activity on board more than 45 days of embarkation, continuous or not, over a period of six consecutive months. Source : Observatoire des Droits des Marins. Fiches pratiques. Droit du travail maritime. Gens de la mer :https://www.obs-droits marins. fr/fiches_pratiques/droit_du_travail_maritime.html?idFiche=21 |
Eutrophication | Eutrophication is one of the most common alterations of continental and marine waters. Triggered by excessive nutrient inputs, eutrophication phenomena result in exacerbated productivity of aquatic ecosystems. The most well-known manifestations are toxic cyanobacteria blooms in lakes and rivers, as well as green macro-algae blooms in coastal areas. These phenomena generate major disruptions of aquatic ecosystems and have impacts on associated goods and services, on related economic activities and on human health. Source : Expertise scientifique collective Eutrophisation, 2017. L’eutrophisation : manifestations, causes, conséquences et prédictibilité. Rapport d’Expertise scientifique collective, Rapport CNRS- Ifremer-INRA-Irstea (France), 1283 p : |
Freedom of navigation | The right of all vessels, boats, timber trains and other means of transport by water to circulate freely over the entire navigable area of the waterway, on condition that they comply with the stipulations of the present regulations and, where appropriate, with the supplementary or implementing requirements which shall be established by bordering States. Source : l’article 2 de la résolution adoptée le 14 octobre 1934 lors de la session de Paris ; MUBIALA, Mutoy. Chapitre 4. La liberté de navigation In : L’évolution du droit des cours d’eau internationaux à la lumière de l’expérience africaine, notamment dans le bassin du Congo/Zaïre [en ligne]. Genève : Graduate Institute Publications, 1995 (généré le 21 septembre 2022). Disponible sur Internet : DOI : |
Haliotropism | Is composed of ‘’Halios’’ which refers to the sea and haliotropism means to turn towards the sea and be attracted by it. This phenomenon has transformed the coastline from an empty territory to a crowded one. Source : CORLAY, Jean-Pierre. Géographie sociale, géographie du littoral, Norois, 1995, pp. 247-265 : noroi_0029-182x_1995_num_165_1_6623 |
Heliotropism | This term refers to the attraction the sun exerts on populations that relocate. Source : BRUNET,Roger.Les mots de la géographie, Reclus-La Documentation Française, 1993, 470 p. |
The French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER) | Public institution founded in 1984, with an industrial and commercial character (EPIC), placed under the joint supervision of the Ministries of Higher Education and Research and of the Environment, Energy and the Sea. It contributes, through its work and expertise, to the knowledge of the oceans and their resources, to the monitoring of the marine environment and the coastline and to the sustainable development of maritime activities. It has laboratories in some twenty sites in the three major oceans: the Indian, the Atlantic and the Pacific. On behalf of the State, it operates the French Oceanographic Fleet for the benefit of the national scientific community. Source : IFREMER : |
IPBES | The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. It is an independent intergovernmental body established by States to strengthen the science-policy interface of biodiversity and ecosystem services for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. Source : INTERGOVERNMENTAL SCIENCE-POLICY PLATFORM ON BIODIVERSITY AND ECOSYSTEM SERVICES : node/40 |
Mariculture | Mariculture is often defined as marine aquaculture. Some researchers limit mariculture to the cultivation of marine plants and animals in the ocean itself. While others also include brackish water species and include cultivation methods that take place in salt and brackish waters that are not located in the ocean. Source : European Environmental agency (EEA) : https://www.eea. ; SECRETARIAT OF THE CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY. (2004). Solutions for sustainable mariculture-avoiding the adverse effects of mariculture on biological diversity, CBD Technical Series N°. 12 2004 |
Maritimization | Process leading to the increased exploitation of sea and ocean resources and the expansion of trade by sea, in connection with globalization. Source : GEOCONFLUENCES. Glossaire, Maritimisation : http:// |
Maritime globalization | Implies general ideas of common good, of world heritage to be preserved, of the beneficial necessity to join forces to exploit wealth, share resources and technologies. […]. Source : L’AMIRAL DUFOURCQ, Jean. Cité par MOTTE, Martin .In ‘’ La mer, entre mondialisation et fragmentation ‘’. Prospective et stratégie vol 8, no 1, 2017, p .57-70. |
MENA (Middle East and North Africa) | The acronym used to designate a region of the world comprising North Africa and the Middle East. Source: WORD BANK: |
Mercator Ocean | Non-profit corporation, founded and funded by the five major French institutions involved in operational oceanography: CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), Ifremer (Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer), IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement), MétéoFrance and SHOM (Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine Nationale). It is in the process of becoming an intergovernmental organization, providing oceanographicbased services of general interest, focused on the conservation and sustainable use of oceans, seas and marine resources. This organization has developed complex ocean simulation systems (numerical models) based on ocean observational data (satellite and in situ) that are capable of describing, analyzing and forecasting the physical and biogeochemical state of the ocean at any time, at the surface or at depth, on a large scale or for a specific area, in real or delayed time. Source : MERCATOR OCEAN INTERNATIONAL. L’organisation : |
Micronutrients | Compounds present in food, ingested in quantities of less than 1g/day and which are not a significant source of energy. They are essential because they are not synthesized by the body and perform essential biological functions. They include vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Source : ESNOUF, Catherine ; FIORAMONTI, Jean ; LAURIOUX, bruno (dir). L’alimentation à découvert, CNRS Éditions, Paris, 19 Octobre 2017, Glossaire, p.303-313 , DOI : 10.4000/books.editionscnrs.10226 : |
New Silk Roads (BRI) | Strategic Chinese project aimed at economically connecting China to Europe by integrating the spaces of Central Asia through a vast network of road and rail corridors. This term (Belt and Road Initiative or BRI in English) replaced in 2017, in the official terminology, the expression ‘’One Road, One Belt’’. This project includes more than 68 countries with a total of 4.4 billion inhabitants, representing nearly 40% of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP). Source : GEOCONFLUENCES. Glossaire, Routes de la soie, nouvelle route de la soie : |
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) | Also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations in 2015. They are a global call to action to eradicate poverty, protect the Planet and ensure that all people live in peace and prosperity by 2030. The 17 SDGs are integrated – recognizing that interventions in one area will affect outcomes in others and that development must balance social, economic and environmental aspects. Source : United Nations Development Programme, What are the Sustainable Development Goals? |
Oceanography | ’Oceanography is a science that studies the seas and oceans, their limits and their interactions with the air, the seabed, the continents and the living organisms’’. Source : MÉDIATHÈQUE DE LA CITÉ DE LA MER DE CHERBOURG. Dossier thématique. Avril 2012, p.4 : https://mediathequedelamer. com/wp-content/uploads/dossier-oceanographie.pdf. |
High seas | All parts of the sea outside the territorial sea or internal waters of a State. The high seas being open to all nations, no State may legitimately claim to submit any part of them to its sovereignty. Freedom of the high seas is exercised under the conditions determined by the present articles and by other rules of international law. It comprises in particular, for the States bordering or not the sea: the freedom of navigation; the freedom of fishing; the freedom to lay submarine cables and pipelines; the freedom to fly over it. Source : Convention sur la haute mer. 1958, Genève. http://www. Convention%20Haute%20Mer%201958%20FR.pdf. |
Oceanology | Term formed from -ocean and -logy. Neologism dating from 1966. ‘’Methods, scientific and technical operations implemented for the exploration, economic exploitation or protection of the oceans. ‘’Oceanology’’ sometimes corresponds to the definition of applied oceanography (for services, industries), … Others explain that oceanology, as opposed to oceanography, is not only to describe the ocean but to understand its mechanisms’’. Source : MÉDIATHÈQUE DE LA CITÉ DE LA MER DE CHERBOURG. Dossier thématique. Avril 2012 : https://mediathequedelamer. com/wp-content/uploads/dossier-oceanographie.pdf ; CHOMEL DE VARAGNE, Bruno. L›océanologie : La recherche et la mer, La documentation française, 1974, 280 p ; DE VARAGNES, Bruno Chomel. L’océanologie : La recherche et la mer, – Paris : La documentation française, 1974 (La documentation française illustrée ; 280), 95p. |
Ocean Sphere | Term created in 1949 by the Russian V.N. Stepanov, which means the so-called global ocean that includes all the oceans and seas. It covers both hemispheres in a heterogeneous way, that is to say 70,8 % of the surface of the Earth (representing 97 % of the water on Earth). Source : TOUCHART, Laurent ; BARTOUT,Pascal. FAUTIL CONCEVOIR UNE LIMNOSPHÈRE ? , ‘’ L’Information géographiqueIn Armand Colin,pp.77-107 : revue-l-information-geographique-2018-2-page-77.htm |
Offshore | Term that refers to activities that take place at sea, without being related to fishing or maritime transport. Source : LE MANUEL NUMERIQUE MAX. Géographie Tle, Lexique, Offshore : geographie-terminale/topics/geo-tle-t6c01-332-a_lexique |
OMZ | Oxygen minimum zone, also called hypoxic or ‘’dead zone’’: ocean volume, at medium depth, in which the oxygen content remains very low, even too low to sustain life. Source : CAROL ,M Lalli,; PARSONS, Timothée R. Océanographie biologique : une introduction. Oxford. ISBN 0-7506-2742-5, 1993 : files/54210854-Biological-Oceanography-an-Introduction.pdf |
Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) | The AsiaPacific Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) is set to become the largest free trade area in terms of economic weight. Designed to further integrate the economies of Southeast and Northeast Asia, the RCEP establishes strict requirements for customs procedures, processes and performance. Source : ORGANISATION MONDIALE DES DOUANES. Panorama, L’accord global de partenariat économique régional en Asie-Pacifique (RCEP) sous la perspective douanière |
Illegal Unreported and Unregulated Fishing (IUU) | is a general term, which includes: Fishing and related activities conducted in violation of national, regional and international laws. Non-reporting, misreporting or underreporting of information on fishing operations and catches. Fishing by ‘’stateless’’ vessels. Fishing in areas covered by regional fisheries management organizations (RFMOs) by non-parties. Fishing activities that are not regulated by States and cannot be easily monitored and accounted for Source : Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, La pêche illicite, non déclarée et non réglementée, 4 p : https://www. |
Permaquaculture | Integrated and evolutionary cultivation system inspired by natural ecosystems. It is also an ethical approach and a philosophy based on 3 pillars: ‘’taking care of the Earth, taking care of humans and sharing resources fairly’’. Source : SARTHOU,Jean-Pierre. Permaculture, in Dictionnaire d’agroécologie : permaculture/ |
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) | Include individual countries with common characteristics and vulnerabilities such as insularity, geographic remoteness, and small size of economy, population, and area. These factors combine to make it clear that functional, reliable, sustainable, and resilient transportation systems – particularly maritime and air – are critical to the development and survival of these countries. Source : CONSEIL DU COMMERCE ET DU DÉVELOPPEMENT COMMISSION DU COMMERCE ET DU DEVELOPPEMENT : https:// |
Phytoplankton | ‘’Phytoplankton (from the Greek ‘’phyton’’ or plant) is the group of planktonic organisms belonging to the plant kingdom, of very small or microscopic size, which live suspended in water. Specifically, it is the marine and freshwater plant community that floats freely in the water and includes many species of microalgae and cyanobacteria. Source : PHENOMER. IFREMER. Glossaire, Phytoplancton : Phytoplancton |
Photosynthesis | Process by which plants and certain bacteria use solar energy to synthesize organic molecules from carbon dioxide and water. Source : ACTU ENVIRONNEMENT. Dictionnaire de l’environnement : dictionnaire_environnement/definition/photosynthese.php4 |
Piracy | According to the International Convention on the Law of the Sea, an act of piracy refers to any unlawful act of violence or depredation committed by the crew or passengers of a ship against another ship, on the high seas or in a place not under the jurisdiction of any State. Source : L’ORGANISAITON MARITIME INTERNATIONALE : h tt p s : // w w w . i m o . o r g / f r / O u r Wo r k / S e c u r i t y / Pa g e s / PiracyArmedRobberydefault.aspx |
Pisciculture | Method of raising freshwater fish for consumption. Source : RAMADE, François. Dictionnaire encyclopédique de l’écologie et des sciences de l’environnement, 2ème édition DUNOD, 2002, p.627. |
Light pollution | Light pollution is an anthropogenic phenomenon associated with the development of urbanization and human activities and which involves artificial light. From an ecologist’s point of view, light pollution refers to artificial light that degrades natural light cycles (day/night cycles and seasons), modifies the nocturnal component of the environment, i.e. the illumination of the environment, and consequently impacts the behavior, biological rhythms and physiological functions of living organisms and ecosystems. Source : ENCYCLOPÉDIE DE L’ENVIRONNEMENT : https://www. |
Chemical pollution: | Pollution generated by unwanted chemical substances in the environment as a result of human activities – agricultural, industrial or urban. Chemical pollutants include pesticides, endocrine disruptors, plastics, drug residues and other emerging pollutants… As they cannot be eliminated by the ecosystem, these pollutants have an impact on humans as well as on fauna and flora. The most frequently observed chemical pollution comes from the use of hydrocarbons, solvents or pesticides; but one must also consider gaseous pollutants that alter the atmosphere and ozone layer, thus accelerating climate change. According to a study published in January 2022 in Environmental Science & Technology, the planetary limit of chemical pollution has been crossed, exposing mankind to brutal changes in its environment. Source : NOVETHIC. Lexique, pollution chimique : https://www. |
Noise pollution | Noise pollution affects the physical and mental health of people, as well as the lives of urban animals. According to some findings of the World Health Organization (WHO), noise is the second most important environmental factor causing health problems, right behind the impact of air pollution (particles). Source : European Environment Agency Environmental noise in Europe, 2020, 104 p : environmental-noise-in-europe |
Prochlorococcus | The single-celled marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus is the most abundant photosynthetic organism on Earth. These microbes are adapted to oxygen-rich, nutrientpoor oceanic conditions, with a fundamental divergence between high-light and low-light ecotypes. Source : ULLOA, Osvaldo ; HENDRIQUEZ-CASTILLO, Carlos ; RAMIREZ-FLANDES, Salvador ; STEPHANAUSKAS,Ramunas. The cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus has divergent lightharvesting antennae and may have evolved in a low-oxygen ocean, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, March 11, 2021 : ;PENNISI, Elizabeth ; Meet the obscure microbe that influences climate, ocean ecosystems, and perhaps even evolution, March 9, 2017, In American Association for the Advancement of Science : org/content/article/meet-obscure-microbe-influences-climateocean-ecosystems-and-perhaps-even-evolution. |
Primary production | Synthesis of organic compounds by plants and microbes, on land or in the ocean, mainly by photosynthesis using light and carbon dioxide (CO2) as energy and carbon sources respectively. It can also occur by chemosynthesis, using chemical energy, for example in deep sea vents. Source : IPCC, 2019: Annex I: Glossary [van Diemen, R. (ed.)]. In: Climate Change and Land: an IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems In press : sites/4/2019/11/11_Annex-I-Glossary.pdf. |
Primary productivity | The synthesis of organic compounds by plants and microbes, on land or in the ocean, primarily by photosynthesis using light and carbon dioxide (CO2) as sources of energy and carbon respectively. It can also occur through chemosynthesis, using chemical energy, e.g., in deep sea vents. Source : IPCC, 2019: Annex I: Glossary [van Diemen, R. (ed.)]. In: Climate Change and Land: an IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems in press: sites/4/2019/11/11_Annex-I-Glossary.pdf. |
Port grabbing | Grabbing of ports by foreign powers: analogous to land grabbing. Source : PROGRAMME JUSTICE AGRAIRE DU TRANSNATIONAL INSTITUTE (TNI) ; MASIFUNDISE DEVELOPMENT TRUST ET AFRIKA KONTAKT : The_Global_Ocean_Grab-FR.pdf |
Ocean research | Means any lawful study, research or other scientific activity, whether basic or applied, designed to increase knowledge of the marine environment for the benefit of mankind as a whole, which is not undertaken directly for industrial or economic purposes and which does not substantially alter the surface or subsoil of the seabed and does not substantially affect the marine environment; Source : Law insider, marine scientific research definition : https:// |
Fishery resources | Fishery resources are composed of stocks exploited by fishing and those resulting from aquaculture activities. Source : L’UNIVERSITÉ VIRTUELLE ENVIRONNEMENT ET DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE (UVED). Introduction à l’économie de l’environnement et des ressources naturelles, le cas emblématique des ressources halieutiques : introecoUVED/html/c2_p22_1.html |
Ocean Sciences | aim to understand complex social-ecological systems and services at different scales, through observations and collaborative, multidisciplinary research’’. Source : UNESCO. INTERGOVERNMENTAL OCEANOGRAPHIC COMMISSION (COI-UNESCO). Global ocean science report: the current status of ocean science around the world; executive summary 2017, 19 p: pf0000249373_fre* |
Food security | Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Souce : Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Les concepts de sécurité alimentaire et leur aptitude à répondre aux défis posés par la croissance urbaine : |
Shoreface | Transition zone between the continental shelf and the shoreline, where waves (especially long-period waves) begin to strongly interact with the seabed. Source : HAMON-KERIVEL, Klervi ; COOPER, Andrew ; JACKSON, Derek ; Sedrati, Mouncef ; GUISADO PINTADO, Emilia. Shoreface mesoscale morphodynamics: A review. EarthScience Reviews, Elsevier, 2020, 209, pp.103330. ff10.1016/j. earscirev.2020.103330ff. ffhal-02944352f : |
Subsidiarity | A principle according to which powers are delegated to the level most relevant for effective action. The general meaning and purpose of the principle of subsidiarity lies in the granting of a certain degree of independence to a subordinate authority vis-à-vis an authority at a higher level, in particular a local authority vis-à-vis the central power. It is therefore a question of sharing competences between different levels of power, a principle that constitutes the institutional foundation of states with a federal structure. Source : BRODHAG, Christian et all. Dictionnaire du développement durable, AFNOR,2004, p.213. |
Top-down | The top-down approach reflects a traditional understanding of power. Orders come from above and are implemented at each level by a subordinate authority. Source : GEOCONFLUENCES. Glossaire, ‘’ Top down ‘’ et ‘’ bottom up ‘’ ,2020 : |
Mass tourism | Emerged as a result of the generalization of paid vacations in many industrialized countries, the growth of purchasing power in the 1960s allowing the ‘’masses’’ to travel and support the economic sector of tourism. Source : MERCIER, Mathieu. SITE PÉDAGOGIQUE. Territoire touristique L’apparition du tourisme de masse : https://sites. %C3%A9ducation-%C3%A0-la-citoyennet%C3%A9/territoirer%C3%A9gional-le-tourisme |
Turbidity | ’Turbidity is a measure of water clarity. It describes the amount of light scattered or blocked by particles floating in the water. These particles give the water an opaque or cloudy appearance. Source : DataStream. Un guide de surveillance de la qualité de L’eau. La turbidité, 2021, 2 p : datastream/9f7fd899-0728-47fd-9892-3f66dab05f5f_Turbidite. |
Upwelling | ‘’upwelling of deep waters to compensate for a deficit of surface waters. This phenomenon occurs primarily in tropical waters and is caused by trade winds and strong cold currents whose combined action pushes coastal waters offshore. The upwelling causes an influx of mineral nutrients, which explains the fertility of surface waters in plankton and small pelagics such as anchovy and sardine.” Source : IFREMER. Glossaire : Glossaire/Glossaire/Upwelling |
Ocean Heat Waves | Marines Heat Waves (MHW) unusual warming of sea surface temperatures and surface layers of large marine areas. Source : Frölicher, T. L., Fischer, E. M. & Gruber, N. Nature, 15 August 2018 : doi: |
VFloating cities (VLFS) | Faced with an ever-increasing world population, rising sea levels and threats to ecosystems, cities must find new alternatives, such as floating cities. According to UN-Habitat, ‘’a floating city is an aquatic city of some 10,000 inhabitants, fully modular, eco-responsible and autonomous in terms of food and energy. It is capable of withstanding any type of natural disaster (floods, tsunamis and category 5 hurricanes). ‘’The floating city concept is built around hexagonal platforms of 20,000 square meters, each of which can accommodate 300 residents.’’ ‘’A floating city is not a luxury, it is a necessity’’ for island countries whose very existence is threatened by global warming and rising oceans. Source : NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. Les villes flottantes serontelles la solution à la crise du logement mondiale ? : https://www.; |
Mud volcanoes and pockmarks | Surface expression of mud originating at depth. Depending on the geometry of the conduit and the physical properties of the extrusive, the structure may be a dome or a low topographic relief view. Source : Mazzini, Adriano; Etiope, Giuseppe (May 2017). ‘’Mud volcanism: An updated review’’. Earth-Science Reviews. 168: 81–112. Bibcode:2017ESRv..168…81M. doi:10.1016/j. earscirev.2017.03.001. hdl:10852/61234. |
Exclusive economic zone (EEZ) | Strip of sea beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea, extending up to 200 nautical miles from the baselines. In this zone, the coastal State has full sovereignty and jurisdiction for the purpose of exploration and management as well as for the purpose of economic exploitation of the natural resources (living or non-living) of the waters above and below the seabed”. Source : SENAT. Les zones économiques exclusives ultramarines : le moment de vérité, ANNEXE 2 : GLOSSAIRE RELATIF À LA DÉFINITION DES DÉLIMITATIONS MARITIMES (Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer du 10 décembre 1982) : |
Intertidal zone | The zone between the high tide and low tide, also referred to as the foreshore, seashore, or littoral zone. The is hence an environment where seawater and air are interchanged repeatedly from the constant breaking and receding of waves. Soure : Source : Futura Science, Estran : qu’est-ce que c’est ? : |
Subtidal zone | The intertidal zone is an ecosystem found on the marine coastline, where a multitude of shoreline organisms survive the shifts from high to low tide. It is located on marine coasts, including rocky shores and sandy beaches. The intertidal zone experiences two different states: one at low tide when it is exposed to the air and one at high tide when it is submerged in water. The area is completely submerged by the tide once or twice a day. Source : National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S. Department of Commerce (NOAA) : https://oceanservice.noaa. gov/facts/intertidal-zone.html. ; NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. Intertidal Zone : resource/intertidal-zone. |