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  • Presentation and discussion of the book “Aspects juridiques de la cybercriminalité et de la cybersécurité au Maroc”

On Thursday, March 13, 2025, the Institut Royal des Études Stratégiques (IRES) organized a meeting devoted to the presentation and discussion of the book entitled “Aspects juridiques de la cybercriminalité et de la cybersécurité au Maroc” by its author, Mr. Radouane MRABET.
The meeting, which was attended by Moroccan university experts and researchers, provided an opportunity to discuss the issues surrounding cybersecurity and cybercrime in Morocco, focusing on the progress made at the legislative and institutional levels.
The debate also highlighted the importance of cyberspace governance, based on a holistic approach and up-to-date legislation.

Présentation et discussion de l’ouvrage " Aspects juridiques de la cybercriminalité et de la cybersécurité au Maroc"


Introduction of Mr. Mohammed Tawfik MOULINE