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  • Participation of the Royal Institute for Strategic Studies at the opening session of the Euro-Arab youth congress

A delegation of IRES, composed of Mr. Mohammed Tawfik Mouline, Director General, and Mr. Said Moufti, Research Director, conducted a working visit to Germany from 15 to 18 April 2012. This visit, organized in collaboration with the Office of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Morocco, has been marked by the participation of IRES to the Euro-Arab Youth Congress, held in Berlin, 16 -17 April 2012, through a communication of Mr. Mohammed Tawfik MOULINE at the inaugural session chaired by Mr Hans-Gert Pöttering, former President of the European Parliament, in the presence of eminent personalities such as Mrs. Vaira Vike-Freiberga, former President of the Republic of Latvia .

The t communication of IRES Director General has focused on the prospects of democratic transition in countries of the Arab spring and the role of youth in this particular phase, by referring to the Moroccan experience in the field of implementing reforms and conducting transition processes.

On the sidelines of the congress and within the remit of the IRES to contribute to the intellectual diplomacy, several meetings were held with senior officials of some leading German think tanks. It is in this case the German Institute for International Politics and Security (SWP), the German Council for Foreign Policy (DGAP) and the German Institute for Global and Regional Studies (GIGA). These meetings were an opportunity to share experiences on managing study and research programs and to explore opportunities of collaboration in areas of common interest. They were also the occasion to highlight the progress made by Morocco in various fields and its prospects of development, taking into account the mutations of its regional and international environment.

Other meetings were held with officials of the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs and those of the Scientific Service of the German Parliament (Bundestag).