The Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (IRES) actively participated in the Annual Forum of Arab Study Centers, organized by the Arab League from December 20 to 21, 2023, in Cairo. The theme of the forum was "Through reflection, we achieve sustainable development."
Mr. Mohammed CHATER, Associate Researcher at IRES, served as the Keynote Speaker, delivering a talk titled "La réflexion au service du développement durable." His presentation focused on the challenges of sustainable development and highlighted IRES's role in promoting awareness of the future and cultivating a culture of anticipation among various stakeholders. Mr. CHATER also referenced IRES's studies on sustainable development.
Following the forum, an institutional stand was dedicated to showcasing the publications of Arab think tanks, including those from Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and the Kingdom of Morocco. The IRES stand attracted numerous Arab personalities and delegations interested in exploring the institute's contributions to the field.




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