The future of water and urbanization in Africa
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- The future of water and urbanization in Africa

The Royal Institute for Strategic Studies organized, December 4-5, 2015, in partnership with the Futures Studies Forum and the UNESCO foresight directorate, an international meeting on the theme: "The future of water and urbanization in Africa."
Attended by experts from sub-Saharan Africa and the MENA region, this meeting has been dedicated to the appropriation of advanced analysis tools in the field of foresight and their application to two structural issues, namely water security and urban development. Other aspects were discussed, including possibilities for cooperation between the represented institutions in the objective of sharing their expertise in the field of future studies
Day 1
4th December, 2015
Future of Water Management and Slums in NA
9:00- 9:30
9:30- 11:00
Session 1
Introduction and Overview
Welcome note
Dr. Mohammed Tawfik Mouline, IRES, Director
Introduction of meeting objectives and process
Dr. Nisreen Lahham, Head of Directors Board –FSF
Presentation of the Future Literacy Know-Lab concept
Dr. Riel Miller, Foresight Unit, UNESCO, France
Ice breaking: Introduction of participants
Outcomes of Newsletter: Managing Water Scarcity in North Africa
Reham Yousef, FSF
Challenges and opportunities of water security in NA
Dr. Dia el Qousi, Egypt
Innovation in managing water resources in SSA
Dr. Julius Gatune, ACET, Ghana
Outcomes of Newsletter: Future of North Africa’ Slums
Reham Yousef, FSF
Challenges and opportunities of upgrading slums in NA
Dr. Khaled Abdelhalim, Egypt
Urban development and informal growth in SSA: polices and trends
Geci Karuri Sabina, South Africa
Moderated by: Koffie M. Kouakou
Coffee Break
11:30- 1:30
Session 2
Futures Literacy exercise1: Future of water security and slums in North Africa
Introduction of next steps and groups division
Dr. Riel Miller, Foresight Unit, UNESCO, France
Level 1 Futures Literacy Exercise: Expectations and normative visions (Group work) (40 min)
Discussion of anticipatory assumptions (30 min)
Presentation of the Learning Intensive Society model- a reframing model
Dr. Riel Miller, Foresight Unit, UNESCO, France
13:30- 15:00
15:00- 16:30
Session 3
Futures Literacy exercise 2: Future of water security and slums in North Africa
Level 2 Futures Literacy Exercise: Reframing-Layered Analysis (Group work) (60 mins)
Discussion of level 2 anticipatory assumptions (30 min)
19:00- 21:00
Day 2 5th May, 2015
Future Scenarios and Windows of Cooperation with SSA
9:30- 11:30
Session 4
Scenarios of water security and slums renewal in NA
Scenarios development (Group work) (90 mins)
Presentation of scenarios and discussion (30 mins)
Coffee Break
12:00- 13:30
Session 5
Futures Literacy exercise 3: Using the Future
Level 3 Future Literacy exercise (60 mins)
Presentation of working groups and discussions (30 mins)
13:30- 15:00
15:00- 16:30
Session 6
Policy insights and next steps
Discussion of policy insights
Facilitated by: Dr. Riel Miller, FSF, UNESCO
Discussion on future cooperation areas and projects between MENA and SSA
Discussion on future cooperation between FSF, IRES, UNESCO and other institutions
Facilitated by: Lamia Raei, FSF, Executive Director
Meeting wrap up and way forward
Dr. Nisreen Lahham, Head of Board, FSF
Closing speech
Dr. Said Moufti, IRES