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  • Morocco-Spain the relationships : what levers of reinforcement in the light of changes in the regional and international context ?

His Excellency Mr. Alberto Navarro, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain to Morocco facilitated, June 18, 2013, a conference on " Morocco-Spain relations : What levers of reinforcement in the light of changes in the regional and international context ?", within the framework of IRES debate cycle on international relations of Morocco.

During this conference, which was attended by experts of Morocco-Spain relations, emphasis was put on the progress made by both countries in strengthening their partnership at the bilateral and Euro-Mediterranean levels as well as the challenges that encounter their common future. In addition to optimizing multiple assets available to Morocco and Spain, raising the potential for cooperation between the two countries would make it necessary to build up a close relationship between non-governmental actors, to consolidate the cultural and human exchanges and to broaden the spectrum of economic interests, including other areas of cooperation such as Africa, the Arab world and Latin America.

Other aspects were discussed in-depth, including the position of Spain with regard to possible outcomes of the euro area, opportunity for Morocco to benefit from the experience of Spain during the process of its integration into the European Union as well as the need to set the bilateral cooperation on structural domains with high impact on the future of the two countries, namely the domains of water and energy.