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  • The priorities of chinese foreign policy in africa and the middle east

Accompanied by a high-level delegation, headed by HE SUN Shuzhong, Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to the Kingdom of Morocco, HE Mr. LI Zhaoxing President of the Association of Public Diplomacy and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of China, animated, November 13, 2015, a conference on the theme: "The priorities of Chinese foreign policy in Africa and the Middle East."

Attended by Moroccans and Chinese experts on regional and international issues, this meeting, highlighted the key principles of Chinese foreign policy, the reality of China's cooperation with the countries of Africa and the Middle East and its prospects, amidst global geopolitical and economic mutations.

Other aspects were discussed at the conference, including the progress made in the development of cooperation between Morocco and China and the levers of its strengthening in sectors and geographical areas of common interest.