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  • For a proactive economic diplomacy : what contribution of national actors ?

IRES organized on March 18, 2015, a seminar on the theme "For a proactive economic diplomacy : what contribution of national actors ?", to which took part a panel comprised of diplomats, public and private sector actors as well as academic experts.

The seminar was devoted to the diagnosis of the strengths and weaknesses of the national system of economic diplomacy of Morocco, taking into account international geo-economic mutations, and the review of some successful foreign experiences in the area of economic promotion.

Discussions focused on the need for Morocco to develop a comprehensive strategic vision of economic diplomacy, combined with quantifiable objectives in terms of global market share to reach and volume of foreign investments to seize. In addition to strengthening coordination among stakeholders, the use of business intelligence tools is necessary to enable Morocco to anticipate the changing global competitive environment and to preserve better its priority economic interests.