Which health system in Morocco, in the light of national sovereignty and the generalization of social coverage ?

The Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (IRES) organized, on April 20, 2022, a Foresight Day on the theme "Which health system in Morocco, in the light of national sovereignty and the generalization of social coverage?
Having brought together officials from the public and private sectors as well as a high-level panel of professors and experts in the health sciences, this meeting allowed a comprehensive overview of this strategic issue, to update knowledge, to cross approaches to better identify the current and future challenges of the health issue in Morocco, as well as to explore the international changes that will shape the reorganization of health models in the future.
The debates highlighted the key issues of the future on which action should be focused and resulted in the emergence, according to a foresight approach and a collective intelligence process, of innovative ideas that can contribute to laying the foundations of a strategic vision for a renewed, sovereign and inclusive Moroccan health model, in accordance with the High Royal Orientations.