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  • The extra-financial assessment of intangible capital assets of Morocco

As part of the analysis of emerging concepts, particularly those related to the international positioning of Morocco, IRES organized on 20-21 November 2014, a workshop dedicated to the extra-financial assessment of intangible capital assets of Morocco over the past fifteen years, according to the French method “Thesaurus-Bercy”.

This workshop, to which took part experts from the public and private sectors, university and civil society, was held in four sessions. It was devoted to the analysis of Morocco's strengths and weaknesses under the key components of its intangible assets, including human capital, knowledge capital, organizational capital, cultural capital, Nation Brand, partner capital, as well as structural and natural capital.

The discussions held at this workshop focused also on the opportunities to seize and the risks to anticipate in order to preserve and develop Morocco’s intangible capital and to rise it as a lever for the country's international positioning.


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