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  • International context of climate change : what lessons and what opportunities for Morocco ?

As a part of its study "Climate change impacts on Morocco and global adaptation options " the Royal Institute for Strategic Studies (IRES) held February 14, 2010 a seminar on the theme: "International context of climate change : what lessons and what opportunities for Morocco?".

This seminar was an opportunity to explore scenarios of possible development of international cooperation on climate change, in the light of the conclusions of the Copenhagen summit and Cancun as well as the opportunities of this cooperation in terms of support and assistance efforts made by Morocco in the fight against climate change.

A review of some relevant international experience was also conducted with the aim to identify good practices of adaptation and mitigation that can be adapted to the Moroccan context.


Allocution de M. Mohammed Tawfik MOULINE
Directeur Général de l’Institut Royal des Etudes Stratégiques

Mot de présentation de M. Mohammed SABIR
Directeur de l’Ecole Nationale Forestière des Ingénieurs

Présentation des conclusions de l’étude de l’IRES « Ecosystèmes forestiers face au changement climatique : état des lieux et proposition d’adaptation »
MM. Omar MHIRIT et Mohammed ET-TOBI
Ingénieurs des eaux et forêts, enseignants chercheurs

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