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  • IRES contribution to the enlightenment of MOROCCO’s strategic choices

The Director General of the IRES, Mr. Mohammed Tawfik MOULINE, facilitated on 23 April 2013 at the Institute's headquarters, a conference on the theme " IRES contribution to the enlightenment of Morocco’s strategic choices" in favor a Spanish delegation led by Major General, Tomas Ramos GIL AVALLE. The conference is part of the XXXIII course organized by the Center for Advanced Studies of National Defense, which is the main training center for Spanish Joint Forces.

At this conference, which was attended by diplomats and military and civilian Spanish personalities, the focus was  made on trends in the global context, mainly geopolitical, geo-economic and security issues and the role played by IRES in terms of enlightening strategic choices of Morocco which has made the integration into globalization a central pillar of its development strategy. The conference was also an opportunity to review the main findings of the study achieved by IRES on the theme "Relations between Morocco and Spain: levers for sustainable and renovated cooperation."

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Presentation of M. Tawfik MOULINE