Morocco's Reputation in the World in 2023
On July 10, 2023, the Institut Royal des Etudes Stratégiques (IRES) organized a seminar dedicated to presenting and discussing the preliminary results of the ninth edition of the survey on Morocco's worldwide reputation. This survey was conducted by Reputation Lab, the world leader in nation branding, on behalf of IRES as part of its observatory on Morocco's international image.
The objective of this survey is to identify Morocco's strengths and weaknesses in terms of its internal and external image. It aims to identify strategic options to enhance Morocco's image, making it a catalyst for improving the country's global competitiveness and attractiveness.
Overall, the Kingdom of Morocco continues to maintain a positive international image. It consistently ranks among the top 35 nations with the best reputation among the G-7 countries plus Russia.
The seminar was attended by representatives from the public and private sectors, as well as communication experts. Discussions primarily focused on the necessity to expedite structural reforms, particularly in the areas of human development and intangible capital. These reforms are crucial for designing and implementing a robust, long-lasting, and sustainable "Morocco Brand." It was also emphasized that there should be convergence among the policies implemented by the entities involved in the Kingdom's strategic communication efforts.