Free trade agreements signed by Morocco : overall coherence and effects on the country’s international positioning
Economic Competition
7th edition of the Mediterranean economic meeting
External Activities
External relations
Discussion of key findings of the study titled “Contribution human capital to Morocco’s Global competitiveness”
Economic Competition
Discussion of key findings of the study titled “Sustainability of the Moroccan development model : the green economy as a strategic option”
Development model
Discussion of key findings of the study titled “The gradual and sequenced recovery of the “acquis communautaire” within the framework of Morocco’s advanced status with the European Union”
Economic Competition
Discussion of key findings of the study titled “The impact of reforms on Morocco’s global competitiveness”
Economic Competition
Participation of IRES to the workshop organized by the Economic and Social Council under the theme “Social cohesion in Morocco”
External Activities
Social bond
Discussion of key findings of the studies related to the “International Positioning of Morocco”
What prospects for the ongoing sociopolitical transformations in the Arab world ?
External relations
Iftar-Debate “New constitution, new governance, what economic prospects for youth ? “
External Activities
Social bond