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  • Industrialization and global competitiveness of morocco : issues and challenges

As part of its study program "Global competitiveness and positioning of Morocco in the globalized system," IRES organized on  September 25, 2013, a seminar on the theme "Industrialization and global competitiveness of Morocco", examined with view to the issues and challenges Morocco has yet to  meet in order to accelerate the edification of a strong industrial base to improve its international profile of specialization and to enhance its ranking among competitive economies.

During this seminar, which was attended by public and private operators and Moroccan experts of issues related to industrial development, the focus was on the analysis of the preliminary results of the new industrial strategy and its prospects taking into account the changing landscape of global competition, as well as various policy instruments to accompany the competitive modernization of Moroccan SMEs.

Discussions focused, also, on the need to insert Morocco’s industrial strategy within the framework of a long-term integrated vision, to accelerate the accumulation of human capital so as to provide the national productive system with required human resources and to ensure greater involvement of stakeholders in the design and implementation of public policies in industrial field. Other relevant aspects were examined in depth, such as the opportunity to promote efficiently the development of domestic market, to optimize the national system of economic promotion in order to strengthen Morocco's attractiveness to foreign investment and stimulate the internationalization of local enterprises, especially in some growing markets of Africa and the Arab world.